Autumn Delight

to November

Golden days, vivid panoramas, rich harvests - autumn is known for its colourful diversity in every sense of the word. Crystal-clear air and breezeless days testify to the transition to the quieter season. But quiet does not mean boring. Because autumn also has so much to offer in the Zillertal Valley.

Herbst © TVB Mayrhofen / Dominic Ebenbichler

Fixed rope routes
Via Ferrata

Just chill out, is the motto. There are plenty of opportunities to do so - by climbing a via ferrata, for example. This requires an element of physical strength, but above all the courage to take on the adventure of climbing in the first place. Rise to the challenge, whether in sport climbing or on a via ferrata - equipped with a climbing harness, helmet, gloves and the right footwear - and discover your true self.

Klettersteig © TVB Mayrhofen / Dominic Ebenbichler


Autumn is harvest time. And what is harvested also requires processing and, most importantly, savouring. Embark on one of the Taste of Place Tours, Culinary Walking Adventures in Tyrol and discover delicious Tyrolean specialities - such as "Zillertaler Heumilchkäse" (Zillertal hay-milk cheese).  While hiking, you can visit the alpine grazing pastures of Zillertal and find out where the most important raw material for milk and cheese production thrives. Of course, a visit with subsequent cheese tasting at the ErlebnisSennerei Mayrhofen Show Dairy is yet another must.

ErlebnisSennerei Zillertal © ErlebnisSennerei Zillertal

Tradition Cattle drive
in the Zillertal

A further special tradition in autumn is the ALMAbtrieb (cattle drive) at the end of September, early October.  The cows, adorned with magnificent headdresses and huge bells, are herded down to the valley from their alpine summer grazing pastures, where their safe return is celebrated in the villages. Together with many enthusiastic spectators, the successful alpine summer is celebrated with folk music and culinary specialities. Don't miss out on this unique experience.

Almabtrieb © TVB Mayrhofen / Paul Sürth

Hotline +43 664 46 07 317
Martin Fankhauser
Förstersteig 237A-6290 Mayrhofen, Tirol